Archive for the ‘Foundation’ Category

It is said that desperation is the mother of invention.  I am not desperate, but I am tired of telling families I’m sorry I can’t work with your child because you can not afford to pay me.  It sucks.  A friend and associate of mine asked me how I could work with kids for free, when he knew I had a business to build.  I told him it was because I felt like these kids needed my help and that I could make an impact in their lives.  His answer was, if I didn’t stay in business who then would I impact.  He is right of course and perhaps as a successful business man and former great professional athlete I should pay attention to not only his words, but his intention.  The only thing I can say is “James I just can’t” .

So this is where I have landed.  I have toyed with the idea for some time to build some sort of center or foundation to teach young athletes about mental training.  The only drawback is that I have no idea how to go about doing this and still build my business.  I just know that I have to be able to teach athletes about how to deal with competitive stress, how to concentrate, what it means to be mentally tough.  Some would say that it’s not very important.  I would counter with all the athletes I’ve seen that succeeded in school.  I’m not talking about the ones that have gone on to play in college, I’m talking about the ones that stayed in school because of sports and went on to have productive lives because they learned how to use their minds in a positive way. 

I want to change lives one athlete or team at a time.  I want to reach more kids in Washington that want to play on teams or compete individually.  Sports have become very expensive and outside training to stay competitive has become the norm.  Speed training, strength training, core training, specialized coaching all needs money.  Sport Psychology or mental skills training is always it seems thought of last on the list.  I’ve tried to change that perception for 30 plus years, one athlete at a time.  I may not change that general perception anytime soon, but I think we can change the availability part NOW.

The Northwest Foundation for Sport Psychology and Training will provide both mental and physical training and education for those that can not afford it otherwise.  Working in conjunction with physical trainers I propose to be able to offer athletes, at least in group surrounding, access to all kinds of sport training. 

I can’t do this alone.  I can find the needed partners to help provide training.  I need some business partners that have my same vision of providing kids in the Northwest with this kind of training.  The Foundation needs commercial sponsors to help fund the program.  If you know of anyone that would be interested in helping and investing in athletes and their futures.  I’m reaching out to all of my friends and associates worldwide to help me get this project accomplished.  So all my Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Univera friends, if you can help me either yourself or through someone you know,  you know where to find me.